Cynthia Ling Lee

Cynthia Ling Lee creates performance and scholarship that instigate postcolonial, queer, and feminist-of-color interventions in the field of Asian diasporic performance. Trained in US postmodern dance and North Indian classical kathak, Cynthia’s interdisciplinary performance work has been presented at venues such as Dance Theater Workshop (New York), East West Players (Los Angeles), IGNITE! Festival of Contemporary Dance (New Delhi) and Chandra-Mandapa: Spaces (Chennai). Cynthia is a member of the Post Natyam Collective, a transnational web-based coalition of dance artists working at the intersection of art-making, activism, and theory, and was a long-time board member of the Network of Ensemble Theaters.
ARI Supported Project: Inventory of Joy
INVENTORY OF JOY is an experimental dance documentary film steeped in crip feminist praxis that asks: what if the medical examination, rather than perpetuating traumatizing, ableist projects of “cure,” could create an inventory of embodied joy? What if dance refuses to rely on hyper able-bodied physicality, but instead embraces crip embodiment and its seeming unchoreograph-ability? This film documents disabled artist-scholars Megan Moodie’s and Cynthia Ling Lee’s ongoing bodymind explorations through dance, grounded in crip camaraderie, empathetic communication, and shared laughter and joy.